The Iowa Corn Promotion Board will be holding elections to seat board members for a three-year term in Crop Reporting Districts four, five, eight and nine. District four encompasses Carroll, Audubon, Calhoun, Crawford, Greene, Guthrie, Sac, Ida, Harrison and Monona Counties and has two candidates vying for the seat, Larry Buss of Harrison County and Brandon Strutzenberg of Calhoun County. Any producer who has marketed 250 bushels of corn or more in Iowa between Sept. 1, 2016 and Aug. 31, 2017, and is interested in running, can still submit a petition along with signatures from 25 corn producers from the same district to be included on the ballot. These forms must be completed, notarized and delivered to the Iowa Corn office no later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 27. A final list will be distributed after the filing closes. Voting will take place July 17 at the local county Iowa State University and Extension Outreach offices, and is open to growers who have marketed 250 bushels of corn or more in the previous marketing year in that district. Those unable to vote at an Extension office can submit an absentee ballot. Ballots can be requested between May 30 and July 25 and must be postmarked or returned to the Iowa Corn office no later than July 17.