lang="en-US"> Interview with CCSD candidate Brad Jorgensen – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Interview with CCSD candidate Brad Jorgensen

Voters will be casting their ballots on Tuesday, September 8, to elect three people to join the Carroll Community School Board. One of the candidates is Brad Jorgensen who says he’d like to see the district work towards giving teachers the resources they need in the classroom and monitoring student achievements, but one of the most frequently asked questions he receives focuses on an often discussed project.


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He says the potential project also brings to light an even bigger problem facing not only the Carroll school district, but a majority of Iowa’s school.


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Through his volunteer work at his church and in school sports Jorgenson says it provides him with a feel for the pulse of the community. He adds his past experience as an active member of the ISL support team and over a decade of education experience will also aid him in his decisions if he were to be elected to the board.


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During his past education experiences he was involved in numerous administration staff hiring’s and Jorgenson says having experienced leadership in place on the school board is a benefit, but he also believes there is another important aspect.


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Looking at his competition Jorgensen complimented the abundant number of qualified candidates. He says candidates vying for elected public service positions aren’t always so qualified and he sees everyone as a benefit to the Carroll Community. We’ll bring you more from the candidates up through Election Day here on this Carroll Broadcasting station.