School board elections will be held next Tuesday, Sept. 8, with voters electing three school board members for four-year terms. For the Carroll Community School District election, the district has been divided into five voting precincts. The first precinct includes Carroll wards one, two, three and four along with the Maple River and Arcadia Townships. Their polling place will be in the Carroll County Courthouse meeting room. The Pleasant Valley, Newton and Eden precincts can cast their votes at the Dedham City Hall. Sheridan and Grant precinct ballots will be cast in the Lidderdale Community Building. The Washington and Roselle Township precinct voters will need to go to the Halbur Community Building and the Wheatland and Kniest precincts will vote at St. Bernard’s Parish Hall in Breda. All of these polling locations will be open from noon to 8 p.m. There will be a public testing of the voting equipment held tomorrow (Friday) at 9:00 a.m. in the Carroll County Courthouse meeting room. Anyone wishing to view the demonstration is welcome to attend. Absentee voting will be open until 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 8 at the Carroll County Courthouse.