At approximately 3:09 a.m. this morning (Friday), the Greene County Sheriff’s office was advised of a possible intoxicated driver at the Janco Motel in Grand Junction. Upon arrival, the deputy found the white Mercury Sable in the motel parking lot, but as he was checking the hotel lobby, the vehicle left the parking lot and headed east on Highway 30 at a high rate of speed. The deputy pursued the driver into Boone County, where a Boone County deputy joined the chase. Stop sticks were deployed on Highway 30 at Boone, but the vehicle continued east on blown tires until going into the ditch west of Highway 17. Twenty-eight-year-old Mathew L. Ehlers of Henderson, Ky. was arrested for Eluding, Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Theft in the 2nd degree as the vehicle was stolen from the Farner Bocken Company of Carroll.