Dr. Eric Jensen is running unopposed in the Carroll Mayoral race, but that does not mean he hasn’t quavered on the decision to change seats in city government. He said he had to think long and hard about moving from a position in which he was able to cast a vote as a representative for the residents to one in which he will not be able to vote, but will be able to control the agenda.
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Jensen has been a resident of Carroll since childhood, leaving briefly after graduating from Carroll High School, but he and his wife, Karen came back to raise their two children here. He has served on the Carroll City council in the At-Large seat for the past four years, and through his position as a podiatric surgeon with McFarland clinic, he has been in a position to represent his field at the state house and to steer committees that manage multi-million dollar facilities. He feels this experience will help him, particularly in negotiating in the things that are best for the city. He said when he thinks of economic development, the football stadium is one of the things that comes immediately to mind. Though not a city project, it is one that reaps benefits for everyone by bringing people into the community to spend money. He is also vested in bringing people in to Carroll for the long term.
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In the realm of economic and commercial growth, Jensen says he will work with the Carroll Area Development Corporation and other area leaders to find out the best ways to compete with other communities.
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And the one thing Jensen says he wants everyone to do, whether it is a contested or uncontested race, is to vote. And he will do whatever he can to continue to represent the people of Carroll in the new role as mayor.
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Jensen, along with the six candidates for city council seats, will be answering questions from the public tomorrow night at the Carroll Chamber sponsored forum. The event will get underway at 7:00 p.m. at the Carroll High School auditorium. Your questions are welcome and can be submitted to the chamber by following this link: chamber@carrolliowa.com.