lang="en-US"> Massive electrical project underway in Wall Lake – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Massive electrical project underway in Wall Lake

The city of Wall Lake began work on a very big project this year: rebuilding the entire city’s electrical system over the next few years. An area in the northwest section of town near Twilight Acres was identified as the most in need of an upgrade which is where crews began phase one of the project this past June. The area will also include the system south of 1st Street and east to Center Street. City Clerk Chris Rodman explains what the project all entails.


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Those new street lights will be upgraded to LED bulbs. While others throughout town will be replaced by LEDs when they burn out.


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Only five new street lights will be erected in the current rebuild area. However, city officials, armed with information provided by the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities (IAMU), say that when compared to cities of similar size they expect the new LED bulbs will pay for themselves in about 8 years and with each bulb having a life estimate of 20 years that’s a lot of cost savings. Rodman says the entire project itself is also “a pretty good deal for our little town” as the city is taking on much of the engineering work themselves.


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Rodman, Electric Lineman Myron Olerich, and Electrician Chris Lawler are handling the paperwork, purchasing materials, and lining up contractors to perform the work they can’t do themselves which all adds up in savings. Phase one of the city-wide electrical upgrade is expected to wrap up sometime in mid-2017 if not sooner.