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Scouts Get “Radio Active” At Lake View Event

A Lake View Troop 195 Boy Scout, Ryan Carpenter of Lake View, attended the 2015 Jamboree On the Air (JOTA) event this past Saturday and learned more about amateur radio operation. He assisted with raising and securing the antenna and after just a little on-the-job training from George Riedell of Lake View, Ryan took over on the microphone where he was able to ask and answer questions with contacts made states away. After the event was in full swing, his three brothers, all Cub Scouts, joined in and got some time on the microphone themselves. The annual JOTA event is held the third full weekend of October and allows scouting youth in Girl Scouts and Guides and Boy Scouts to use amateur radios to contact other scouts and amateur radio operators around the world. This year’s event was held at the Speaker Park Shelter House in Lake View and was put on courtesy of Coon Valley Amateur Radio Club of Audubon.