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Monsignor Lafferty Tuition Fund Reaches $3 Million Goal

The Monsignor Lafferty Tuition Foundation (MLTF) had set a 2015 fundraising goal of $3 million to be used to support need-based tuition assistance for qualifying students throughout the seven Catholic High Schools and 16 grade schools within the Sioux City Diocese. Yesterday, (Monday), the foundation announced they had met their goal. Kristie M. Arlt, director of communications for the diocese, says they have been amazed at the response to the programs with over 700 donors giving to the tuition fund this year. She added, with over 6,200 students in the Diocese, the funds will be put to good use assisting families who may have a difficult time affording tuition in the 2016/17 school year. Contributors also receive the benefit of an Iowa income tax credit equal to 65 percent of their donation and it may qualify for federal income tax deductibility. The Monsignor Lafferty Tuition Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization that assists families who want a Catholic education for their children, but whose income is at or below 300 percent of the poverty level. Families wishing to apply for assistance can find information about the grant application process for the 2016/17 school year online at after Jan. 20.