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Sac City saves money; Police force transitions to an all truck based fleet

Over the past few years the Sac City Police Department has been transitioning from an all police car fleet to one composed of police trucks. City Clerk Adam Ledford says by purchasing the trucks the city will save money in the long term.



Last week members of the city council approved the purchase of one new base unit police truck through a state contract bid. The city opted to use a lease-to-purchase program with payments to be made for five years with the truck being bought-out for one dollar at the end of the agreement. A total purchase price of $42,537.26 includes not only the truck, says Ledford, but also the necessary materials and set up costs for installing lights, in-car cameras, computers, and a safety cage for transporting suspects.



The new truck will replace the last remaining police car on the three vehicle fleet of the Sac City Police Department.

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