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PAC President Rallies Clinton Volunteers In Carroll

Emily’s List is a political action committee (PAC) that has worked to elect pro-choice Democratic female candidates into office for the past 30 years. President of that PAC, Stephanie Schriock, who has been working with Hillary Clinton since she was first lady, made a stop at the Iowa for Hillary campaign headquarters in Carroll this morning (Friday) to not only rally volunteer efforts, but to explain why her organization is dedicated to standing by Clinton every step of the way.

Schriock told the small group gathered that Clinton may well be the most qualified PERSON to ever run for President. So not only will the country get the best of the best, she said, she just happens to be a woman too. Clinton’s leadership and the support she receives will be a driving force in other areas of government as well.

With only 24 days until the Iowa Caucuses, the vetting process taking place in Iowa right now is what will set the stage for the Presidential campaign season for the entire country. Schriock believes the rest of the nation doesn’t really engage until the night of the Iowa caucus, but Iowans have been immersed in this process for a year or more. And though she is chagrined at the amount of Republican press and advertising that is being aired in Iowa, she said the real issues go beyond the rhetoric espoused by those GOP candidates.

It all starts here, she said, Feb. 1, and if those others can’t survive the process in Iowa, it is probably a pretty good sign they are not ready to lead the nation.

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