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Carroll County Public Health Partners With IPTV For Children’s Learning Center

St. Anthony Carroll County Public Health has partnered with Iowa Public Television to implement a new Learning Center for children who are spending time in their facility as a part of its “Ready for School” initiative. The Learning Center will provide new resources to promote a love of books and learning, featuring a bookshelf filled with age-appropriate books to foster children’s early literacy skills along with a flat-screen television dedicated to Iowa Public Television’s high-quality children’s programming. Terry Rinehart, director of Educational Services for Iowa Public Television said they are very excited to bring a “Ready for School” Learning Center and a place where families can spend time together reading books and watching trusted, age-appropriate programming to Carroll County. During remodeling of the Carroll County Public Health area to accommodate the new resources, the items will be placed in the immunization room. A special opening reception will be held this Thursday, Jan. 28 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Carroll County Public Health offices on 318 S. Maple Street in Carroll. The public is invited to attend this kick-off event.