Today (Friday), DuPont-Dow announced the location of their new headquarters after the completion of the merger, and Iowa lost out on the bid. The company has selected Wilmington Del. Senator Joni Ernst says this is disappointing news for the state, and for the hard-working Iowans who were laid off. She said although the headquarters will not be in Iowa, it is her hope that Dow-DuPont will expand and produce more good-paying jobs in our state in the very near future. The Iowa Economic Development Authority’s due diligence committee approved a $2 million forgivable loan and up to $14 million in research activities tax credits for the new company today (Friday). The full board is expected to approve the measure later today. The new company will retain a strong presence in Johnston, where DuPont Pioneer is situated, as well as in Indianapolis, Ind., home to Dow Agrosciences. The Iowa tax credits apply to the 250 to 500 research and development jobs the company expects to retain in Johnston.