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Senator Mark Segebart Disappointed With Lack Of Movement On Coupling Bill

Week six of the 2016 Iowa legislature general assembly marked funnel week, which is a self-imposed deadline that requires some bills to be voted out of committees to remain viable in this year’s session. Though a coupling bill is not subject to this deadline, Senator Mark Segebart said that Iowa’s small business owners and farmers are being failed by Senate Democrats who have stalled the bill to couple section 179 federal tax depreciation changes. Segebart said a large number of Farm Bureau members visited the Capitol on Wednesday, expressing their desire to see the Senate follow the Iowa House’s lead and pass the bill that would help defray financial hardships. Iowa small business owners and farmers made equipment purchases last year with the anticipation the legislature would couple with federal tax provisions, as it has done in previous years. Segebart said by conforming to the federal tax depreciation changes, we would be encouraging small business owners and farmers to invest back in Iowa with those purchases.  He is holding out hope, however, that the bill will move forward in the next week. Area residents will be able to ask questions about this issue and others facing the Iowa legislature this session at the Carroll Chamber of Commerce Legislative Forum tomorrow (Saturday), beginning at 10 a.m. in the Cretsinger Building at 220 6th Ave. Coon Rapids.