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Raccoon Valley Electric Cooperative To Reach 100 Percent Carbon Free Electricity In 2016

Raccoon Valley Electric Cooperative (RVEC) of Glidden will be purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates to achieve 100 percent carbon-free electricity for its members in 2016. As part of their mission of environmental stewardship, RVEC says the certificates, which can be sold or traded, provide a way for businesses to support renewable energy generation, regardless of where the energy is generated or used. RVEC CEO, James Bagley said, “By purchasing the renewable energy credits, we will be supporting the growth of renewable power generation while continuing to provide reliable service to member-owners.” The cooperative recently announced plans to construct community solar arrays in Sac and Carroll Counties, with additional units planned in the future. In addition to these efforts, they offer a net metering program for members who wish to generate their own renewable power and sell the excess electricity back to the cooperative. Bagley added, “Our members want renewable energy options […] and I am proud of how RVEC represents the aspirations of our member-owners.”