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Rain weakens runoff basin at cattle feedlot southeast of Carroll

On Wednesday morning, May 11, the owner of a cattle feedlot located about six miles southeast of Carroll reported a leak from a runoff holding basin to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR). While performing his morning chores Lee Schon found the leak at the base of the basin’s bank and quickly tried to repair it. However, seepage will be ongoing until the soils dry out enough for the basin to be fixed. The feedlot runoff is flowing about 400 feet across a field to an unnamed tributary of the Middle Raccoon River. A DNR field specialist took samples from the site and is working with Schon to minimize the effects of the runoff downstream. Those field tests, coupled with high stream flow, indicate there will likely be little impact to aquatic organisms. The IA DNR will continue to monitor the situation and work with the producer to ensure permanent repairs are completed. Once soil conditions permit Schon plans to land-apply the runoff remaining in the basin to nearby pastureland. Since Tuesday the Carroll area has received 1.42” of rain.