lang="en-US"> Carroll City Council Reviews Proposal For New Street Maintenance Facility – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Carroll City Council Reviews Proposal For New Street Maintenance Facility

At last night’s (Monday) Carroll City Council meeting, members reviewed and accepted proposed plans and cost estimates for two major projects, the Carroll Rec Center pool renovation and the construction of a new Street Maintenance facility on Third Street. These plans were presented for the council to consider in their upcoming August planning session. John Karmann, from the Des Moines office of FEH Design, presented a comprehensive report on the study done on the needs of the street department. The first plans presented by FEH showed how 19,000 to 20,800 square feet could be arranged in different ways to fit their needs. However, city officials asked for the development of other options. FEH was then tasked with coming up with a design that accommodated current space needs with possibility of future expansion.

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The design that Karmann presented would place the new 14,500 sq. foot building in the corner of Third and Maple Street and leave the existing structure for low heat/no heat storage. With tandem bays constructed, the city could hold double the equipment in each bay in the new building, optimizing working and storage space, according to Director of Public Works, Randy Krauel.

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Council member, Clay Haley, asked Karmann about the ability to grow to the north with this plan as there are possibilities included in the proposal for more storage or working space. The appeal is that there is the ability to adapt the concept to fit the needs of the city as it continues to grow.

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Karmann said the estimated costs for the project would total $4,285,957. This does not include the cost of changes made to the current structure for storage use as the city will do that work on their own. He also advised the proposal is based on 2016 construction rates. The city could expect cost escalation of four to five percent for construction in upcoming years. A copy of the proposed plan and costs can be found below.