lang="en-US"> IKM-Manning Increasing Offerings For 2016/17 School Year – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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IKM-Manning Increasing Offerings For 2016/17 School Year

The IKM-Manning School District has undergone some infrastructure work in preparation for the upcoming school year, which gets underway on Tuesday, Aug. 23. Superintendent, Dr. Thomas Ward says the Manning building has seen all the classrooms and hallways upgraded to LED lighting and they are completing punch lists on some projects, but crews may still be finishing up when classes begin.

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Teachers are heading back before the students this Wednesday, Aug. 17, for three days of workshops. Two open houses are also scheduled, the Manning school will host theirs on Thursday, Aug. 18, and the primary school in Irwin will hold theirs on Monday, Aug. 22. Both open houses will be held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Ward says a good majority of his teachers have been working hard throughout the break, some on helping with development of the Teacher Leadership Program that will be implemented this year. Several attended workshops throughout the summer, and just last week, 12 teachers and administrators attended the Professional Learning Communities workshop in Chicago, Ill. He said the district will also be developing their Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, or STEM program with the addition of Bio-medical and Computer Science classes. Ward said they received some great news this summer for the Curriculum for Agriculture Science Education, or CASE program.

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Ward added they will also be implementing a couple of new math curriculums this year as well. Dr. Ward said on a personal level, he is looking forward most to being at IKM-Manning full time. The past two years he had been sharing superintendent duties with Coon Rapids-Bayard, but he felt he was losing his connection with the faculty, staff and students at IKM-Manning. Another thing he says he is looking forward to is leading the students into the future. He says the nation needs to do a better job of preparing kids for 21st century skills, which sets them up for success in college or the workforce.

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Ward says he is starting his 43rd year in education, and he still sees this as one of the few professions that allows you to have such an important impact the future.

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He added that he is in that building year-round, and it does get a little boring in the summer. He is excited about getting the school year started on the 23rd, getting the students in the building and seeing the energy and life they bring to the IKM-Manning schools.