Photo above: Design work still underway on coins begin made for Carroll County Courthouse 50th Anniversary. Blue will be added into the coin, as shown in the design drawings below.
Carroll County Assessor, Cindy Heuton, is on the committee in charge of planning the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Carroll County Courthouse and has provided an outline of what will take place on Friday, Oct. 21. There will be a Chamber coffee from 8 to 9 a.m. Then, starting at 9 a.m., the ceremony will get underway and will include a performance by All Strings Attached. Area high schools are invited to be present, there may be some skits performed and past and present officials will be introduced. The time capsule will be handled a little differently, according to Heuton.
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She said at that ceremony, they will also be closing up the new time capsule. Anyone who has an idea of an item to be placed in the new time capsule is encouraged to contact Heuton at the Assessor’s office in the courthouse. She will give them a form to fill out with their idea, and they will be contacted if the committee is interested in placing their item in the capsule. She is adamant that people NOT bring in their item with them, they just need to fill out a form. Along with the time capsule submissions, Heuton said a recent outing in a nearby community has led to the idea to offer commemorative coins to celebrate this milestone.
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Heuton explained, they are having two different coins produced. The first coin will have 3,000 pieces offered for sale to the public at $10 each. The second coin will be limited to a total of 50, and will be offered for sale by silent auction. Anyone interested in putting in an offer to purchase either of the coins needs to go to the Assessor’s office. They can fill out a form and pay $10 to reserve one of the coins from the 3,000 run or they can fill out a form, receive a bid number and place their bids on the coin of their choice in the run of 50. The only one that will not be sold is the 50th coin. It has been reserved for placement in the next time capsule. Heuton said people will be able to specify exactly which coin they would like to purchase or bid on.
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Bids for the silent auction will be accepted until noon on Oct. 21. Requests for the run of 3,000 will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis until gone. For more information, contact the Assessor’s office at 792-9973.