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Emerald Ash Borer Confirmed In Iowa County

Authorities from the Iowa Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Team report that the destructive insect has been confirmed in Iowa County. This finding brings the total to 36 counties in Iowa affected. The EAB was discovered at Lake Iowa Park after staff alerted the EAB Team of some ash trees exhibiting signs of infestation. Samples taken from the park were later positively identified by a federal identifier. Mike Kintner, the EAB and gypsy moth coordinator for the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship said it would be realistic to state the pest did not arrive at Lake Iowa Park on its own. He believes it was brought into the park by campers hauling firewood. He added that southeast Iowa seems to be the hardest hit area in the state, so infested firewood movement from nearby counties could well be contributing to the spread. The Iowa EAB Team is urging everyone to use locally sourced firewood, burning it in the same county where it was purchased or harvested.