That crisp feel to the morning and evening air means Iowa hunters are putting out tree stands and getting their gear ready for another deer season. Bow hunters, in particular, are ready to get out on opening day, this Saturday, Oct. 1 for a year that, according to experts at the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR), will be a great one. Deer biologist, Andrew Norton, says the world renowned Iowa deer population is relatively stable, which keeps things consistent and should lead to good fall hunting. The DNR estimates that nearly 62,000 bow hunters will purchase more than 90,000 deer licenses this year, taking an average of 12 trips into the timber. The bow season will be open from Oct. 1 until it is suspended on Dec. 2, to make way for shotgun hunters, reopening on Dec. 19 and officially closing Jan. 10, 2017. The DNR reminds hunters that all deer must be reported by midnight after the day it is recovered. This can be done through the contact points listed below.