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Iowans Celebrate Their Favorite Beverage On National Drink Beer Day

In celebration of National Drink Beer Day today (Wednesday), Budweiser launched the “Beer With Your Buds” national survey, asking 2,000 American adults to choose their favorite beverage to enjoy with friends at a bar or other social venue. Iowans love their beer, with 37 percent saying it is their drink of choice in social settings, ranking as the 19th most beer-loving state in the country. Of those beer drinkers, 79 percent say they would rather crack open an ice cold domestic beer over an import. And we Iowans are right in line with the rest of the nation, as beer is the number one choice for social drinking. Margaritas came in second, followed by wine, cosmopolitans and the gin and tonic. The study also found that tipping a domestic brew may actually improve your social life, as these hop connoisseurs are seen as more genuine and approachable compared to import drinkers.