lang="en-US"> Rep. Steve King Talks Gun Rights While Visiting Carroll – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Rep. Steve King Talks Gun Rights While Visiting Carroll

Republican Congressman, Steve King, visited Carroll Monday afternoon and spent some time at Wendl’s Weapons to speak with constituents and browse some of the store’s collection. While he was here, King spent some time to answer questions with Carroll Broadcasting. Being at a firearms dealer, King pointed to the Second Amendment as a topic that is of great importance this election. He says Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, is not a proponent for gun rights.

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He went on to say that those looking to purchase a firearm at a gun show go through the same background checks that would occur at a gun store. When asked about executive actions and their use, King said a Trump presidency would make changes by working to undo the changes the Obama administration has put into effect.

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He followed up by saying it would be a much different situation if Clinton were to win the election.

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King is being challenged by Kim Weaver, the Democratic candidate, for Iowa’s Fourth District congressional seat.