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Two Iowa Business Owners Awarded For Renewable Fuel Marketing Efforts

The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) has presented the 2017 Renewable Fuels Marketing Awards to Charlie Good of Nevada and Richard Weiner of Nora Springs. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture, Bill Northey, presented the awards for their work in offering customers a variety of renewable fuel options beyond E10, with E15, E85 or biodiesel. Good, owner of the Good & Quick convenience store in Nevada, received the award for his efforts to promote ethanol at a local and national level. Good has testified before the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) several times in support of Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) volumes and has briefed Congress on the value of E15. Weiner, owner of Cartersville Elevator in Nora Springs, received the biodiesel award for marketing to farmers through their tank-wagon service. Literally every gallon of diesel Weiner has sold in the past decade has been blended with biodiesel and he runs the company’s 18-semi fleet exclusively on biodiesel blends.