Jefferson Matters: Main Street is now taking applications for Building Façade mini-grants, offering Main Street District business owners up to $500 for improvements. Improvements that qualify include work to the exterior of the front of buildings, such as painting, tuck-pointing, replacement of windows and doors or removal of non-conforming elements of a building. As a project of the Main Street Design Committee, many members will also volunteer to provide labor for the projects, particularly painting. They will also be happy to make suggestions on improvements that will be eligible for grant dollars. Program Director, Peg Raney said, “With 16 buildings involved in the Community Development Block Grant-Downtown Revitalization project, Main Street wanted to provide an incentive for other businesses to make improvements too.” A simple application is all it takes, and it can be found online at under resources. There is no deadline to apply as the grants will be made available all year. The committee will meet monthly to approve applications. Projects will be reimbursed from receipts and must include before and after photos.