Water rates in Carroll will be increasing on services billed after July 1, 2017 for the first time since 2007. Director of Public Works, Randy Krauel said the need for the revenue increase resulted from proposed capital improvements.
Krauel added that the other thing the rate increase does is provides the capability to fund the balance of the streetscape projects by loan and then revenue back to the water utility fund from Tax Increment Financing (TIF). This prevents those projects from having to go to market for funding. After budget review, the council approved a roughly five percent increase as well as service fee increases for regular working hours and off-duty hours. Service fees were increased about two to three years ago.
The average user in Carroll falls between the classifications of a medium to large user.
Impact of the rates on the average user would be a roughly $1.50 increase for that 1,000 cubic feet per month. A copy of the proposed increases can be found below.