The Iowa Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Team has confirmed reports of infestations in Greene and Wayne Counties, bringing the total to 43 counties in Iowa. In Greene County, the beetle that attacks and decimates ash trees was discovered east of Grand Junction. “We encourage homeowners and people dealing with trees as a profession to report possibly infected trees,” said Mike Kintner, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship EAB and gypsy moth coordinator. He added they are particularly interested in finding EAB in counties not yet known to be infested. The adult beetle is metallic green in color and is about a half inch long. The larvae burrow through the inner layer of bark, eating away at the vascular tissue that supplies nutrients to the tree. Starved trees usually die within two to four years. Signs include canopy dieback beginning at the top of the tree and progressing downward, S-shaped feeding galleries under dead or splitting bark, D-shaped exit holes, water sprouts and increased bark damage by woodpeckers. A federal quarantine remains in effect that restricts the movement of all hardwood, firewood and ash articles out of Iowa into non-quarantined areas. Iowan’s are strongly encouraged to use locally-sourced firewood. Additional information can be found at