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World War I Focus For Presentations And Art Classes This Week

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the United States involvement in World War I, and this subject is the focus of upcoming presentations at the Carroll Public Library. On Wednesday, March 15, Michael Vogt, with the Iowa Gold Star Museum, will talk about life at Camp Dodge during the Great War. “Camp Dodge: Home Away from Home 1917-1918” is a 45-minute free presentation on the facets of military life at the Iowa camp. He will be at the Manning VFW at 2 p.m. and the Carroll Public Library at 7 p.m. This coming Saturday, March 18, the final poppy painting class and a poetry group reading of “In Flanders Fields” will be held at 1 p.m. Cost for the class and all supplies is $25 and registration can be done by contacting the Carroll Public Library. Both events are open to everyone. Contact information for the Carroll Public Library can be found below.


Carroll Public Library—(712) 792-3432