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Stuart Man Arrested After Court Filings Allege Sexual Abuse Of A Child

A Stuart dentist was arrested today (Friday) based on trial information filed by two Iowa Assistant Attorneys General. Laura Roan and Tyler Buller submitted documents alleging 36-year-old Justin Hillock, of rural Stuart, had inappropriate contact with a minor. He has been charged with two counts of sexual abuse in the third degree, class C felonies, and two counts of indecent contact with a child, aggravated misdemeanors. Court records indicate those charges stem from incidents that occurred in September of 2015. He is currently being held in the Guthrie County Jail on a $20,000 cash bond. Hillock’s arraignment is scheduled for April 17 at 9 a.m. in Guthrie County District Court. If found guilty, Hillock faces up to 10 years in prison.

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