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Carroll County Public Health Director Named Iowa Walking Fellow

Iowa’s Healthiest State Initiative announced their first class of Iowa Walking College Fellows (IWC) on Wednesday, and Carroll County Public Health Director, Marcia Schaefer, has been included in that listing. Schaefer will participate in a six-month program with fellows from across the state beginning May 3 in Ames. During this time, she will design a health/walking related community engagement project that will strengthen local efforts to make Carroll County more walkable and livable. Jami Haberl, executive director at the Iowa State Healthiest Initiative said, “Recognizing that walking is one of the easiest, most affordable and accessible ways for us to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day, we are excited to offer a training opportunity to increase local efforts that can support walking and walkability.” After the initial daylong interactive session on May 3, Schaefer and other fellows will complete the program that incorporates online learning modules and an in-person session focused on leadership. At the conclusion of the fellowship, Schaefer will join the others for the National Walking Summit in St. Paul, Minn. in the fall to learn from national experts and other walking advocates from across the nation.