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Carroll City Council Sees The Signs

Confluence Landscape Architecture and Urban Design of Des Moines presented three different schematic concepts for a Carroll downtown identification sign to coordinate with the streetscape project. Director of Public Works, Randy Krauel, told council members that all three signs have lighting for day and night visibility and that each plan was presented to Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Shannon Landauer, and three downtown property owners, Roger Kanne, Jim Strautman and Tom Wieland, as well as city staff for review. Even though no construction estimates were available at the time, the team selected Option A as the preferred choice. Carolyn Siemann says she actually preferred the look and the price of a different option.

Other council members immediately agreed with Siemann, saying that the two-sided sign appeared to have slightly more area and looked to be easier to read while driving. Krauel says the estimate for Option C was $9,000 less than Option A, with Option B coming in at about $70,000 more because of the inclusion of a digital message board. The council approved moving forward with the development of detailed designs to put the project out for bids. The group was then presented with designs for a city entrance sign to be placed along Highway 30 on the east side of Carroll. Krauel explained where the sign would be placed, and it is at quite a distance from the highway.

Everyone, including Landauer, agreed that Option C, an obelisk-like sign, was the most attractive and fitting for the space. Though options were presented for brick and limestone construction to match the Highway 71 and 30 monuments, Barry Bruner, with the Carroll Athletic Association, asked the council to consider another stone option that is prominently featured throughout the community.

Council members agreed the fieldstone would match nicely, not only with Merchants Park, but with the stonework at other city parks and at the cemetery. Jerry Fleshner says it is almost becoming a part of the identity of Carroll that sets it apart from other communities and it celebrates our history. The council approved a motion to request Confluence to develop designs and pricing estimates for Option C with fieldstone. The drawings for each project can be found below.

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