The National Honor Society (NHS) at Carroll High School (CHS) is now accepting applications for the Third Annual Service Learning Day, and students are encouraging community members to take advantage of the opportunity. During the service day, freshman through seniors are bused across Carroll to help out in a wide variety of jobs. The NHS helps organize the day, and two of its junior members, Kyla Boes and Madi Vonnahme, says the group puts in a lot of effort to make everything run smoothly.
Service day takes place on Wednesday, May 10 beginning at 9:30 a.m. and ends right before noon. The students are split into the advisory groups which are made up of about 15 volunteers along with their teacher. There are few limits on what kind of work qualifies for service day.
Submitting a project for the event is simple and requires only a moment of your time.
Just under two weeks remain before the event gets underway. The NHS is requesting applications be submitted as soon as possible to get everything scheduled. Methods to suggest projects to the NHS can be found included with this story on our website.
CHS Phone: 712-792-8010