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Two SMCH Nurses Named DAISY Award Recipients

Photo: McCrary Rost Clinic nurse Lisa McGuire, LPN, and Stewart Memorial Community Hospital nurse Carmen Ludwig, LPN, were presented the Daisy Award at a banquet celebrating exemplary nursing.


Nine nurses from Stewart Memorial Community Hospital (SMCH) in Lake City were nominated for the DAISY Award, and two were named winners, LPNs Lisa McGuire and Carmen Ludwig. McGuire, who has worked in Lake City since 2014, was nominated by a patient who said, “She intuitively knew what I needed without having to be asked. I thank Lisa for her quick response to get us help and for supporting us through the difficult situation.” Ludwig has been a nurse at SMCH since 1983, and was nominated by a co-worker. They said, “I have seen over the years what Carmen has done for so many patients, but this year was someone she cared for so close to her heart. Carmen did so many things for Jo that were selfless and always wanted to make Jo feel special.” As of May 2017, nearly 2,000 healthcare organizations worldwide honor their nurses with the DAISY Award, which was established in 1999 in memory of J. Patrick Barnes, and stands for Diseases Attacking the Immune System. The award was designed to thank nurses for the work they do at bedsides, funding research and honoring nursing faculty. Other SMCH nominees include: RNs, Megan Huster; Brianne Francis; Sue Aber; Laura Roberts; Hailey Wilhem; Kathy Holm; and LPN, Samantha Small.