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St. Anthony Raising Funds For Cancer Services At 19th Annual Golf Classic

Over the past 18 years, the St. Anthony Foundation Golf Classic has raised more than $841,000 for hospital projects. This year’s 19th annual event will be held on Monday, June 26, with proceeds to be used for developing services benefitting cancer patients served by St. Anthony. A silent auction will begin on Monday, June 19, and remain open until 6:15 p.m. on Monday, June 26. Some of the items up for auction include: four, two-day tickets to the John Deere Classic; a weekend in Minneapolis with Minnesota Twins tickets and a $300 Marriott gift card; four tickets to the Iowa vs. Iowa State football game; a Wild Rose Casino Jefferson gift basket with two tickets to Ratt; and much more. Co-chairs for this year’s classic are Kim Hackett and Tony Badding. A full list of committee members, sponsors and auction items as well as information on how to place a bid can be found below.
For more information or to place a bid:
St. Anthony Foundation at 712-794-5287 or foundation@stanthonyhospital.org

Committee members include: Kyle Atkinson, Josh Axman, Brent Baumhover, Kurt Baumhover, Steve Blackburn, Jennifer Grandgenett, Hope Hempstead, Pat Macke, Kevin Milligan, Jerry Mowrey, Brigit Pick, Ann Slechta, Jon Sturm, John Weber and Mindy Wittrock.

Major sponsors for this year’s event are: Avadyne Health, Badding Construction, BNP Paribas, Cassling Diagnostics, Cookies Food Products, Deloitte, Dorsey & Whitney, Drees Company, First Fiduciary Investment Counsel, Graham Construction, The Graham Group, Harris Associates, Iowa Heart Center, J.P. Flooring, Mediacom Communications, Neuberger Berman, Oak Ridge Investments, Prenger Flooring America, Shared Medical Services, St. Anthony Auxiliary, Stifel, Stone Printing Office Supply, Voya, Wixted & Company and Wold Architects and Engineers.

Hole-in-one sponsors for this year’s event include: Carroll Cycle Center/Champion Ford/Motor Inn/Wittrock Motors, Haley Equipment/Olsen’s Outdoor Power/Rueter’s Red Power/Van Wall Equipment, Drees Company, Kimmes Country Stores and Lenz Insurance and Real Estate. Hy-Vee will be the Grand Prize sponsor to the team with the overall best score. Social Sponsors are Brown’s Medical Imaging, Carroll Dental Associates, Depuy, Des Moines Orthopaedic Surgeons, ICE Technologies, Mid-Iowa Insurance and Real Estate, Ragaller Drywall, Shared Service Systems and Western Iowa Networks. Additional events and sponsors continue to be added.

Auction items include: four, two-day tickets to the John Deere Classic on July 10 and 11, a weekend in Minneapolis which includes Minnesota Twins versus Baltimore Orioles tickets on July 7 and a $300 Marriott gift card, four tickets to the Iowa/Iowa State football game on September 9, Wild Rose Casino gift basket and two tickets to Ratt on August 4, golfing and carts for four at Carroll Country Club, catered pork chop dinner for 25 from Lidderdale Country Store, a handmade clock from Matt Ramaekers, one pair of shoes each month for a year from Brown’s Shoe Fit, Body Sculpt and Cleanse from Healing Arts, and a specialty granite item from Irlbeck Precision..

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