The Audubon City Council has fast-tracked and approved an ordinance change for the use of fireworks for the Fourth of July holiday. On Tuesday, a special meeting was held in order for citizens to express any concerns they may have over allowing fireworks within town. City ordinances require three readings to go into effect, but the second and third readings can be waived by the council if they so choose. The proposed ordinance would allow fireworks in Audubon on July 2 through July 5 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and 6 p.m. Dec. 31 to 12:15 a.m. Jan. 1. Fireworks would not be allowed in the case of a burn ban. The city holds a single council meeting per month and would have been unable to put the change in place before the holiday without this special meeting. On a vote of four in favor and one councilmember, Teresa Murray, against the ordinance was passed. The third reading was waived in the same manner. The full ordinance language can be found included below this story.