lang="en-US"> Glidden Welcomes All To Their Sesquicentennial Celebration – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Glidden Welcomes All To Their Sesquicentennial Celebration

Planning for Glidden’s Sesquicentennial is complete and the community is inviting everyone to attend the celebration next month. A sesquicentennial is a term referring to the 150th anniversary of an event, in this case, the founding of Glidden in 1867. City Clerk, Suzy Danner, says the community is proud to still be standing a century and a half later.

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Four days of concerts, parades, shows and various other events will mark the celebration. Glidden’s Sesquicentennial begins on Thursday, Aug. 3 and the city has contracted a company to bring carnival rides to the event. Danner says families will be more excited than usual for those rides.

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Each day has a wide array of events so people of all interests will be able to find something to their tastes. Danner says she is looking forward to the entire celebration but admits her favorite item on the agenda might be on Sunday, which will highlight the closeness of Glidden’s citizens.

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The festivities end the evening of Sunday, Aug. 6. The full Sesquicentennial schedule and registration for the many contests can be found included with this story below.