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Kellan’s Kingdom Fundraiser Brings Total Raised To Over $100,000

Photo: Pat, Alie and Kellan Tigges

The wheels were turning all day Saturday at the Different Spokes Charity Ride for Kellan’s Kingdom, Carroll’s first all-inclusive playground. Pat and Alie Tigges say they were at the Piranha Club until around 1 a.m., but it was amazing to talk to all the people who showed up to participate and give. The day was a tremendous success, raising $13,218. As of Monday morning, Pat says they are all still recovering from such a good weekend that ended up going beyond Saturday’s ride. He sponsors a 16-inch slow-pitch softball team and they wanted to wear their Kellan’s Kingdom t-shirts at the sub-state game Sunday at 1 p.m. Sunday afternoon, the Tigges’ went to the game and got another surprise.

The team donated $300, and Pat says that every day there is something new like this, where others are turning around and offering their support in so many different ways. To date, the fundraisers have generated between $53,000 and $54,000, and putting that with the $50,000 from the City of Carroll, brings them over the $100,000 mark. But they are still getting requests from people who want to help out.

There are also a few local businesses talking about doing events on their own to raise money for the all-inclusive playground project. The more money that is raised, the more items that can be incorporated into the playground and the groundwork can be set for other projects like this throughout the county. Pat says he, Alie and Kim Hackett will be looking to sit down with Jack Wardell, Parks and Recreation Director, to start working on a timeline.

Pat says he saw on the news hat Des Moines is just coming up with plans for their second all-inclusive playground, but he wants people to know that what they are working on creating in Carroll is the first of its kind.

And he says this is truly something for everyone to be proud of. Kellan was the inspiration for this park, but this wasn’t someone handing over $150,000, Pat says, everybody can truly say, they built this park together.

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