lang="en-US"> Blood, Sweat And Beers Brings Support To Iowans And Carroll Residents With Blood Cancers – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Blood, Sweat And Beers Brings Support To Iowans And Carroll Residents With Blood Cancers

The American Cancer Society hosts their annual fundraisers in counties across the country for education and research in an effort to find cures for many different forms of cancer. But one category that does not fall under their auspices is that of blood cancers. The research and education is covered by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, but a husband of a woman who works with the Iowa society learned there were no support dollars to help Iowans with ancillary expenses caused by the treatment process. These include: gas and lodging during treatment; household expenses caused by having to take unpaid time off for care; and basic essential expenses, such as back-to-school clothes for families whose income is below the area median income level. Carroll resident, Barb Boldt, says that in 2015 that gentleman and a friend got together to fill this financial gap with the creation of the Blood Sweat and Beers fundraiser.

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This year will mark the Des Moines men’s third annual fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 21, but Boldt, says she was inspired last year to host the first annual event in Carroll, as she has seen firsthand just how devastating these illnesses can be.

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Last year’s Carroll event was host to more than 360 people at Swan Lake State Park and raised a total of $30,000, with a net, after expenses, of about $24,000. Boldt is pleased that to date, about $23,200 of that total has been donated to Iowans to help with expenses. This includes a $1,000 donation to 47-year-old Annie Peter from Carroll, who suffers from acute myeloid leukemia. This funding has come at a crucial time as Peter cannot work during her treatment. This year’s second annual Blood Sweat and Beers 5K run/walk will be Saturday, Sept. 30 at Swan Lake with the run/walk around the lake starting at 11 a.m. This will be followed by music and games, a meal donated by Cookie’s BBQ of Wall Lake, with Beer from Exile Brewing Company of Des Moines and root beer from A & W. Boldt says this is a completely family-friendly outing for people of all abilities.

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Blood cancer survivors are encouraged to come and share their stories with others. There will be a silent auction and the race can be for fun and/or for personal bests with True Timing on hand to record times for participants. Registration is open now, with early registration through Sept. 10 costing $35 per person. Groups of more than 10 are $30 per person. After that, the cost will go up a few dollars and on Monday, Sept. 25, the cost will go up to $45 and online registration will be closed. Registrants receive a swag bag, mug and t-shirt. Companion tickets for food, beverages and games cost $20 each. Details on how to register for the Carroll 5K or the Des Moines 5K can be found below. Also included is information on how to make a donation of money or items for the silent auction and how to get an application for a blood cancer patient who is need of this support.


More information or to register online:

To contact Boldt about donations, silent auction items or for an application for funds: