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Great Weather For A Stroll. Final Walk With A Doc Outing Tonight

The weather is expected to be perfect for outdoor activities today (Wednesday) and everyone is urged to take advantage of it. This evening marks the season’s final Walk with a Doc and it is also Walk to Wellness Wednesday. At 5:30 p.m. tonight, the Walk with a Doc group will join providers and healthcare staff with the Iowa Heart Center and the Iowa Heart Foundation in the St. Anthony Regional Hospital atrium for their final, educational stroll. Dr. Kyle Ulveling, a cardiologist with the Iowa Heart Center, is the leading physician for the free Walk with a Doc initiative, which is offered in five different locations across the state including: Ames; Fort Dodge; Ottumwa; and West Des Moines. This outing is open to all ages, with water and a brief health-related discussion provided. For more information, contact the Carroll Iowa Heart Center office at 877-712-6500.