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Carroll Rec Center Celebrates 40th Anniversary On Friday

The Carroll Recreation Center is celebrating its 40th year in operation this week with a full day of activities for patrons. Festivities begin at 8:30 a.m. Friday morning with a Chamber Coffee. At 9 a.m., Brian Bellinghausen from Family and Specialty Medical Center will give a presentation on body maintenance titled, “Keeping Moving Parts Moving”. At 10:30 a.m., Regina Angandja, a New Opportunities mentoring coordinator, will host a seminar on parenting tips followed by a free lunch at noon with Carroll Mayor, Dr. Eric Jensen. St. Anthony’s Deb Adams will talk healthy cholesterol levels with attendees beginning at 2:30 p.m. Activities will also be available for children. Starting at 3 p.m., a free swim time at the pool will be available and a free showing of the film, Sing, starts at 6 p.m. in the theater. Admission to the rec center and fitness class are free all day Friday. Refreshments will be served throughout the celebration.