lang="en-US"> Dr. Jensen Running Unopposed For Second Term As Mayor, Says Carroll Will Continue To Come First – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Dr. Jensen Running Unopposed For Second Term As Mayor, Says Carroll Will Continue To Come First

Dr. Eric Jensen, a podiatrist with the McFarland Clinic, has been serving as the mayor for the City of Carroll for the past two years. But prior to that, he held an at-large seat on the City Council for four years. He says one of the major changes between the two roles is that as mayor he is tasked more with organization and providing resources through a variety of different communication methods.

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However, the mayor’s work is not just what is seen at a council meeting. There are a lot of other duties involved, including being more of a public figure. Jensen says he finds the proclamations the most fun as it gets him out meeting with a variety of different residents. He also enjoys the opportunity to give speeches at city events and to be a part of celebrations and dedications.

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Jensen says he happy to see several long-range planning items come to fruition. The examples that came readily to mind are the new cemetery sexton’s building that greatly improves efficiencies as well as provides a more comfortable space for families going through a difficult time. The library was one that Jensen says he was happy to see go to a public vote. He is looking to the future of getting the library and city offices projects underway and some changes at the Carroll Rec Center, but one he is most excited about revolves around the outside of that now 40-year-old facility.

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One of the issues Jensen looks back at and sees as probably one of the most confusing they faced was that of fireworks. He has always loved them and says he understands both sides of the issue, but has found it ironic the state said we can sell them but then left the decision on use to the cities, and they did it in such a short timeframe. Now, the question is about the added burden on city police for use and where to draw the line. In his opinion, it should be one or the other, sell them and use them or do not sell them and do not use them. Either way, he definitely sees future conversations about that issue. Jensen is running unopposed, but is happy to be able to bring an attribute that encompasses so many aspects of his life to city leadership.

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He wants everyone to know he will continue to put Carroll first and to work with the council and city staff to make Carroll the best it can be. And, he reminds everyone to get out and vote. The statistics of who is participating tells them citizens in the community care and are listening. The city elections will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 7, and absentee balloting will open soon, possibly as early as the end of this week or beginning of next. Carroll Broadcasting will bring you interviews from the contested ward three race in upcoming broadcasts.