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Old Fashioned Christmas Coming To Breda Sunday

The Breda Fireman Flames are kicking off the holiday season this weekend with an Old Fashioned Christmas celebration. The festivities take place from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday at the Breda Legion Hall and features a visit from Santa, hot chocolate and cookies and a winter hayride. The Fireman Flames are asking for volunteers to assist with providing snacks for the event. People interested in helping out are asked to drop off cookie donations at the Legion Hall starting at 12 p.m. tomorrow (Sunday). The Fireman Flames are also hosting a toy drive during the event benefiting local children. Any toys to be donated should be new, in the package and unwrapped for ease of delivery. For more information on the event or for ways to volunteer, contact Kristen Young at 515-422-6381.

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