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New Platform Helps Businesses And Individuals More Quickly Identify Regulations

On Tuesday, Gov. Kim Reynolds and Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg announced the implementation of a new program to help cut through regulatory red tape. They are encouraging all Iowans to utilize State RegData, a research platform that can quickly analyze regulations and identify industries most targeted by excessive regulation. Recent research done by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University confirmed how burdensome the administrative code is to business and industry in the state, negatively impacting the growing economy. With more than 160,000 restrictions, it was estimated it would take one individual 563 hours, more than 14 weeks, to read them all. State RegData allows that same person to run an analysis in under one minute. “We know regulations play an important role in ensuring the well-being of Iowans,” Gov. Reynolds says. “So we must balance ways to cut through red tape while still protecting the health, safety and welfare of our citizens.” In 2011, in an effort to help alleviate these burdens, an executive order was signed that required all new ones be justified by job impact statements. One year later, another law was passed requiring all agencies to review their administrative regulations every five years.