A prison in southwest Iowa is inviting employers and community leaders from across western Iowa to visit their facility to encourage them to consider hiring former inmates. The event, “Hiring for Change,” is hosted by IowaWORKS at the Clarinda Correctional Facility on Tuesday, Feb. 13 and will highlight why companies should consider ex-offenders as potential job candidates. Business and Workforce Adviser, Michelle Wilson, says individuals returning to society after incarceration are an often underutilized resource.
She says one of the most difficult parts of reintegrating for these people is finding gainful employment. Many businesses are understandably hesitant to hire a former inmate due to a variety of concerns. Wilson notes that in some cases, these workers are the most reliable.
Hiring ex-offenders can provide numerous benefits to employers. The Clarinda Facility offers job and skills training to their inmates to make them more employable after their release, and businesses are eligible to receive more than $20,000 in tax credits from the state. Society also benefits.
This is the first seminar of its kind offered to employers, but Wilson says they hope they are able to expand it to all facilities around the state, including the North Central Correctional Facility in Rockwell City.
The seminar begins Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 8:30 a.m. and concludes at 3:30 p.m. Wilson encourages any employers to sign up and learn more on the benefits this program offers. The event is free, and lunch will be provided. Registration can be completed by following the link included below this story.
Hiring for Change Registration