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Scranton One Of Nine Iowa Communities Sharing Over $3 Million In Block Grant Funding

Late last week, the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDE) announced nine communities will be receiving $3.1 million in funding to support water and sewer infrastructure projects, and Scranton made that short list. The city will receive $300,000 from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) fund to be used toward $2.16 million in wastewater system improvements. Scranton received assistance in applying for the grant from Region XII Council of Governments. Executive Director, Rick Hunsaker says, “Grant writing for our local governments is one of our core services, and there is no better day than when we are able to help a city or county leverage funds that will improve their communities.” The Scranton project will also be utilizing Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) State Revolving Loan Funds (SRF). The CDBG grants are awarded based on benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, financial need, project impact and readiness and commitment of the local resources to the project.

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