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UPDATE–Emergency Responders Searching Lake Panorama For Missing Boater

Emergency responders are searching Lake Panorama for a boat occupant reported missing Thursday night. At 6:16 p.m., authorities were contacted by boaters to report a person had fallen into the water and not resurfaced. The Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office, Panora Emergency Medical Services, Panora Fire Department, Panora Police Department, Lake Panorama Security, the Iowa State Patrol and Department of Natural Resources (DNR) all responded to the scene within minutes to assist in the search. Authorities have not released names of the individuals involved, but officials at Grand View University have identified the missing person as Kenton Greaves, a student and wrestler at the school. Dive teams from southwest Iowa are on scene and are now treating the search as a recovery effort. An investigation into the incident is ongoing, and Carroll Broadcasting will bring you more information as official reports become available.