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Iowa Lottery Records Second Highest Earnings In FY 2018

For the past four consecutive years, the Iowa Lottery has recorded record overall sales, and finished fiscal year 2018 in its top two spot. “We have just finished an astounding year on several fronts, says Iowa Lottery CEO, Terry Rich. “With strong sales, another clean audit, strong support for play responsibly messages and an international award for gaming compliance in the long-running jackpot investigation case, it was a well-rounded, successful year for our organization.” Preliminary figures released Friday show that the Iowa Lottery generated nearly $87.1 million in proceeds to state causes in Fiscal Year (FY) 2018, which ended June 30. This was the second-highest proceeds total in the lottery’s 33-year history and the fifth time that its annual profits topped the $80-million mark. Sales of $371 million exceeded the $300 million mark for the seventh year in a row.