The third annual report and update from the Sac County Hometown Pride Steering Committee, Keep Iowa Beautiful Board of Directors and Sac County Board of Supervisors was completed last week and shone a spotlight on some of the great projects and initiatives in the seven participating communities. Auburn hosted their first annual “Good to be an Auburn Kid” Fun Day and the second-annual spay and neuter clinic for cats and dogs. Lake View held an annual shoreline clean-up at Black Hawk Lake, raised $150,000 for a new splash pad that opened Memorial Day weekend and raised funds to purchase a heart monitor for local Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs). Lytton turned two vacant lots into community gardens, raised money for six Emmanual-St. John Lutheran Church signs and supplied cookies and free bottled water to Bike Around Sac County riders. Odebolt started a museum passport program, hosted the annual Creek Days pancake breakfast to support the pool project and updated the light-pole banners on the square. Sac City managed the first Bike Around Sac County and Trunk or Treat, installed benches by the Raccoon River and will be holding Friday night events for residents to socialize and plan future projects. Schaller installed new planters and signs on Main Street and created a Christmas village in the park, while Wall Lake hosted three movie nights, painted their depot and installed new entrance and way-finding signs.