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Danzer Inducted Into 4-H Hall Of Fame

Photo: Myron Danzer (left), Carroll County 4-H Hall of Fame recipient with Emily Saveraid (middle), Iowa 4-H Foundation Executive Director and Tillie Good (right), Iowa 4-H Volunteer Development Specialist


A Carroll man who has spent about 10 years as a volunteer with the county’s 4-H program was inducted into their Hall of Fame at this year’s Iowa State Fair. On Aug. 19, Myron Danzer was honored as one of 131 individuals from all 99 Iowa counties for their dedication. Danzer has served as the Carroll County 4-H Youth Development volunteer beef superintendent and as a member of the Endowment Committee. He was instrumental in developing the new beef barn at the fairgrounds and in bringing many upgrades that made the wash rack area safer for the exhibitors. During his tenure on the Endowment Committee, he helped increase fundraising so that they are now able to support more 4-H members at camps, conferences and trips. “One of the pillars of the Iowa 4-H Youth Development program is youth-adult partnerships. Our honorees generously give their time and talents to foster these positive partnerships with our 4-H youth,” said Tille Good, Iowa 4-H volunteer development specialist.