lang="en-US"> Carroll County Supervisors Ready To Move Forward With Informational Jail Campaign – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Carroll County Supervisors Ready To Move Forward With Informational Jail Campaign

The Carroll County Board of Supervisors met Friday afternoon to work out the details on creating an informational campaign regarding a new county jail. If approved during the Nov. 6 midterm election, the supervisors plan to construct a 16,800 square foot, 32-bed facility in the courthouse’s west parking lot. Current estimates put the project’s cost at approximately $8.95 million. Sheriff, Ken Pingrey, says he checked with officials to determine what they are and are not allowed to do.

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With that in mind, the supervisors discussed running advertisements through local media outlets and scheduling town hall meeting in the surrounding area. County employees cannot encourage citizens to vote a certain way, however, a committee that is not funded with taxpayer dollars can be formed to do exactly that. Pingrey suggested former Carroll County Sheriff, Doug Bass, lead the effort.

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Pingrey says the most important thing about this referendum is for people to understand why they decided to place the jail next the courthouse. Moving the jail elsewhere would require the county to pay for infrastructure at a separate location and create ongoing transportation costs for area law enforcement. He consulted with the State Jail Inspector, Delbert Longley, who told him the county is fortunate to have the option to expand the courthouse.

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No formal action was taken during the meeting, but the supervisors indicated they now feel more comfortable moving forward with the informational campaign.