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Authorities Searching For Driver Responsible For Minor Bus Accident Thursday Afternoon On Grant Road

No injuries were reported following a minor bus accident on Grant Road this (Thursday) afternoon. Superintendent, Dr. Kevin Lein, reports that at approximately 2:20 p.m., Carroll Community School District Bus #27 was struck by an unidentified vehicle that was exiting the high school parking lot. Six students were on the bus at the time of the collision, and no injuries have been reported. According to Lein, the bus received only minor damage, and the bus driver was still able to deliver the students to their homes. The other vehicle’s driver reportedly left the scene following the accident and has not yet been identified. The Carroll Police Department is investigating with the assistance of students and staff. Lein used the accident to encourage drivers to use caution when traveling near schools. He says, “This incident is a constant reminder to all of our community members, and, in particular, our students who operate motor vehicles, to please be cautious and observant when on the road and to please understand the responsibility of all to slow down and take extraordinary care around school buildings, buses and crossings.”